Alpha Chis Abroad

Getting the chance to study abroad is an opportunity that every college student should take advantage of during their college years! Being an architecture student, there was no better way to enhance my education than to get out and see all of the things that we learn about in our textbooks!! On my trip I was fortunate enough to go to Paris, London, all throughout Italy, and lastly, Greece. By the end of my six week trip I had a new perspective on all that there is out there to see. Throughout the entire trip I was fascinated by the ways all of the other cultures functioned compared to ours! One of the neatest experiences I got to take part in was a tradition that happens every year in Siena, Italy, which was a horse race called the Palio. The city is divided into seventeen “neighborhoods” or as they call them, contradas, and each year ten are chosen to participate in this horse race. The amount of spirit and commrodery inside this city really brought everyone together. It shed light on how important communities are within every culture.

Even miles away I ran into other women in different chapters of Alpha Chi Omega that were studying abroad as well. It was nice to know that even thousands of miles away from home, you could still run into someone that shares the same bond!
It was truly a chance of a lifetime and I definitely recommend that everyone takes the chance to study abroad!

Macrina Abdouch


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