What Alpha Chi Means To Me: Kayla Boal

As a senior, Alpha Chi has taken on an entirely new meaning for me. I still remember bid day, and how nervous I was first meeting all of the girls. I didn’t know anyone at school since I was from out of state and it was a very weird feeling. On bid day I sat down with two girls who seemed like they were nice and welcoming named Lindsey Walker and Lauren Aulgur. We chatted casually over ice cream and before I knew it we were carpooling every week to chapter. They were my first friends at KU, and are now two of my roommates. As freshman year went on I met more girls, spent more time at the house and started to find my place at KU; all thanks to Alpha Chi. I moved in to the house and I wont lie things were stressful. Living with 80 girls is not easy! However, I would not trade for the world those two years I spent in the house for anything. I learned so much about myself and each of the amazing girls I lived with. These girls taught me so much that I could not have learned from living anywhere else. Something else I found out while living in was that no matter what I was doing, or where I was there was someone who I could count on to make me laugh, give encouragement, share their closet, or just watch a movie with. Now, I am a senior, and unfortunately my time at KU is starting to come to an end. At this point in my life for me Alpha Chi is exactly what they told me during recruitment; my home away from home, where my best friends came from and what made me who I am today. Without my experience with Alpha Chi I would not know exactly how many girls I can fit in my Jeep, how many separate orders you can make at the McDonalds drive through, how to get creative with pranks, or more importantly just how far friends will go for one another. I will never in my life forget my 21st birthday when six girls drove all the way to Iowa to celebrate with me. That is one of my most special memories my friends have given me. College would not have been the same without Alpha Chi and I am so happy that I am lucky enough to be part of something as strong as Phi Chapter. 

Kayla Boal

Alpha Chis Abroad

Getting the chance to study abroad is an opportunity that every college student should take advantage of during their college years! Being an architecture student, there was no better way to enhance my education than to get out and see all of the things that we learn about in our textbooks!! On my trip I was fortunate enough to go to Paris, London, all throughout Italy, and lastly, Greece. By the end of my six week trip I had a new perspective on all that there is out there to see. Throughout the entire trip I was fascinated by the ways all of the other cultures functioned compared to ours! One of the neatest experiences I got to take part in was a tradition that happens every year in Siena, Italy, which was a horse race called the Palio. The city is divided into seventeen “neighborhoods” or as they call them, contradas, and each year ten are chosen to participate in this horse race. The amount of spirit and commrodery inside this city really brought everyone together. It shed light on how important communities are within every culture.

Even miles away I ran into other women in different chapters of Alpha Chi Omega that were studying abroad as well. It was nice to know that even thousands of miles away from home, you could still run into someone that shares the same bond!
It was truly a chance of a lifetime and I definitely recommend that everyone takes the chance to study abroad!

Macrina Abdouch


Are You Ready For Recruitment?

Hi ladies!


My name is Jordan Biel and I’m currently the Vice President of Recruitment of Alpha Chi Omega here at the University of Kansas. On behalf of the chapter, I want to express how excited we are to meet each and every one of you in a few short weeks!! The week of formal recruitment can be a hectic time filled with a mix of nerves, excitement, and anticipation of what the next four years may have in store for you. Take my advice—soak it all in during this week for all that it is—it’s a process that you truly can only experience once! You will meet so many women that have the potential to be some of the greatest friends you’ll ever find. You’re also very lucky– the University of Kansas is home not only to legendary basketball, but thirteen phenomenal sororities on its campus! I remember coming to Alpha Chi Omega three years ago during fall formal recruitment. After a short conversation with a senior member, I recall thinking to myself, “I want to be like her in four years.” I cannot tell you what we talked about, but Alpha Chi Omega just felt like home. There are also no words that can express how much this organization has changed my life. The ladies of Alpha Chi are some of the most authentic, involved, and spirited individuals I’ve ever had the privilege of meeting. I not only get to call them my friends, but they are my sisters through and through. I can say, without a doubt, I would not have had the same experiences or opportunities if I had not chosen to be a part of this great sisterhood. That is what we are all about at Alpha Chi Omega—a sisterhood that’s truly unmatched. The best piece of advice I can give you for the week is to find the place that you find that feels like home. Alpha Chi Omega is my home and I wish I could stay here for another four more years with you to experience it all over again. You see, that’s what is so great about Greek life, you find an organization that changes you for the better in every aspect of the word.  I’m so excited for you because, very soon, you will find your home for the next four years! Enjoy the last few weeks of your summer; Alpha Chi Omega looks forward to seeing you on August 19th!


Rock Chalk!

Jordan Biel


Vice President of Recruitment
